Thursday 22 September 2011

A Supah new show!

Go Girls, I have a very important question to ask you.

Are you ready? Hey you, the one texting, stop that! Thank you. Now, where was I? Oh yes, the important question...

Have you watched Supah Ninjas yet?

You haven't? What, are you nuts?! It's only the greatest new show I've seen in aaaages!

It's all about a boy named Mike who seems normal (errr... except for the fact that he writes fan mail to Justin Bieber) until he finds a letter that reveals that he's actually from a long line of ninjas!

Amanda and Carlos, his BFFs, find out his secret and all three of them start training in martial arts under the guidance of Mike's holographic grandpa!

I screamed, I LOL-ed and I can't wait for the next episode!

And the cast are amazing! I should know, cos when I was over in LA, I got a chance to meet them and they revealed loads of secrets just for Go Girls!

Did you know...
There are baby pictures of Ryan (who plays Mike) on-set! Keep an eye out for them!

Every week, Gracie (who plays Amanda) bakes cupcakes to the theme of the villain! One week there were spiders on top - s-s-s-scary!

Carlos (who plays Owen) loooves cheese!

Ryan does loads of tricks himself cos he's trained in martial arts! I wouldn't want to get in the way of his kicks, that's for sure!

Gracie's a total fashionista too - I love her socks and sandals combo (and I never thought I'd say that!).

Supah Ninjas is on Nickelodeon weeknights at 6. For more info, head to

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